The UK concrete and cement industry Roadmap to Beyond Net Zero, has identified that net zero can be met through decarbonised electricity and transport networks, fuel switching, greater use of low-carbon cements and concretes as well as carbon capture technology for cement manufacture. Net negative emissions could even be achieved by 2050 when the in-use benefits of concrete structures are included.
The concrete and cement industry has already taken considerable early joint action and due to investment in fuel switching, changes in product formulation, and energy efficiency including plant rationalisation, its absolute direct and indirect emissions are 53% lower than 1990.
Delivering beyond net zero is not a linear process but we forecast that seven technology levers will play an important and active part in delivering beyond net zero for concrete and cement.
Details of all the decarbonisation levers can be found in the corresponding individual lever papers. These are available for download here.
The diagram below sets out the roadmap to beyond net zero as absolute 2050 CO2 emissions reductions compared to 2018.