4. Water
Insight #4: Water

Climate change and population growth are adding to the complexity of water resource management, increasing the incidence of summer drought and large-scale flooding at any time of year.
Water is important at many stages of concrete production. It is essential to the hydration of cement and is also used for washing during the extraction of aggregates, as quenching for GGBS, during the mixing and placing of concrete, for cleaning plant and in dust suppression measures. In some parts of the concrete supply chain water use can be reasonably clearly defined.
Recognising that the public mains supply is the least sustainable source of water for concrete production, the industry has been measuring mains water usage and reporting annually on efforts to reduce mains water consumption. In the base year 2008, the value was approximately 86 litres/tonne and in 2016 approximately 78 litres/tonne, a 9.3% reduction.
The MPA Water Strategy was published in 2017. This is based on three main principles: 1. Minimising water consumption 2. Prioritising use of the most sustainable water sources available 3. Protecting the environment through good water stewardship.
Read the Insight #4: Water article including:
- In Practice: The water hierarchy
Find out the latest update on the Water performance indicator.