Quality and Performance
Product consistency, performance and being fit for purpose are crucial to sustainability and ensuring that materials are not rejected or potentially wasted, which is costly both economically and environmentally. Quality management systems have a vital role and our indicator shows the percentage of the total concrete production and constituent materials sites that are independently certified to ISO 9001:2008.
Performance indicator: Percentage of production sites covered by a certified ISO 9001 QMS

2020 data shows certification was 98.0% which exceeds the 2020 target of 95%.
2020 Strategy Commitment
This indicator is part of the Materials section of the report and part of the 2020 commitment to: Target continuous improvement of sustainable production performance and report annually.
To target continuous improvement requires effective management systems, a consistent methodology for measurement and open and transparent reporting of progress.
The concrete industry reports on Environmental management through ISO 14001, Quality Management through ISO 9001 and demonstration of responsible sourcing through BRE BES 6001 which provide an effective framework for managing production and materials procurement sustainably. These independent third party certifications provide confidence that these systems are put into practice effectively with regular review and that performance data generated is credible and reliable.
The concrete industry sustainable construction strategy and the supporting performance indicators provide a framework for a common, transparent approach for the industry to target appropriate improvements and report progress openly, with regular input from a wide range of stakeholders. The industry publishes details of the industry’s progress towards its performance improvement targets in its annual reports.