The concrete industry makes a significant contribution to biodiversity and nature conservation through the management and restoration of sites of mineral extraction. The industry strategy prioritises its actions within quarries and sites where there is a higher potential for both positive and negative impacts on biodiversity. The indicator reports on the proportion of these ‘relevant’ production sites that have an action plan relating to site restoration, biodiversity or geodiversity.
Performance indicator: Percentage of relevant production sites that have site specific action plans

The value reported for 2020 is 100% of sites and our 2020 target is 100%.
Collaboration with stakeholders such as the RSPB and Nature after Minerals (NAM) have helped the industry realise that it can deliver nine priority habitats (out of 11) in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. MPA data shows that over 8,000 hectares of priority habitat has been created to date on restored sites; and a further 11,000 hectares of priority habitat is planned.
2020 Strategy Commitment: Biodiversity
The concrete industry commitment to biodiversity is to: Support the Mineral Products Association (MPA) Biodiversity Strategy “Building on our legacy... realising our potential”
Protecting and enhancing the state of nature and biodiversity is a key aim for the MPA and sites of mineral extraction are uniquely placed to make a difference, more than any other. MPA is working with members to develop an MPA Charter which features a strategic priority for ‘Natural Environment’. This includes commitments to:
- Biodiversity: protect and enhance biodiversity and deliver net gain whenever possible
- Land Restoration: restore land to a high quality and undertake good after care
- Natural Capital: protect natural capital and enhance where possible
- Geodiversity: protect geodiversity and enhance where possible
- Heritage: protect national and local heritage assets appropriately
- Environmental Protection: minimise and mitigate operational impacts
More information is available at